Finding my "One Thing" - Part Two: Finding the patterns.

In the first part of this series, I delved into my quest to discover my "Thing" (also referred to as a purpose, goal, or direction) - believing that doing so would bring a sense of order and clarity to my life, aligning everything towards a common focal point.

Here are several advantages I anticipate from pinpointing this direction:

  • It will consolidate my efforts into a singular focus.
  • It will alleviate analysis paralysis and streamline decision-making.
  • I'll awaken with a clear sense of purpose.
  • I'll be able to gauge my progress.

Now, let's delve deeper.

Side Note: Initially, this post was meant to reflect on my past decade, detailing what I found enjoyable and why, in what I termed "uncovering the patterns." However, it veered into a lengthy, disorganized monologue. Therefore, I'll forgo that process and share the outcomes instead.

Connecting the "Dots"

  • I find fulfilment in collaborating with startups.
  • The vitality and zeal within these environments are unparalleled.
  • Brainstorming ideas and entertaining possibilities is invigorating.
  • The rapid testing and iteration keep things dynamic and thrilling.
  • Flexibility reigns supreme, allowing for living in the present while maintaining a long-term vision.
  • I've initiated various side projects and startups (some of which I've sold), spanning from a clothing brand, UI kit, and design systems to SaaS products and even a tattoo studio.
  • I devote my spare time to creative endeavours (self-initiated designs, 3D printing, etc.).
  • I actively engage with several startup-oriented communities (MFM, Indie Hackers, ProductHunt, etc.).
  • I'm averse to the notion of exchanging time for money linearly.

In essence, I'm a creative and serial entrepreneur who thrives in the fast-paced realm of startups. Conceptualizing, theorizing, testing, iterating, and scaling represent my greatest joys. Moreover, the allure of compounding and passive income surpasses that of a regular paycheck.

But how do I transform this inclination into a definitive "Thing"? A singular mission that furnishes me with direction and purpose.

A mission that guides my every morning, setting the agenda for the day.

That's the exploration I'm embarking upon next.